What are the simple steps of doing good SEO?

What are the simple steps of doing good SEO

What are the simple steps of doing good SEO? SEO is the process of improving your website’s search engine rankings. You can do this by increasing the number of visitors that your site gets, or you can do it by making sure that those visitors stay on your site longer and actually convert into customers.

Write great content.

The first thing you need to do is write great content.

Great content is what will bring your audience back again and again, and it’s essential if you want to be found by search engines. It helps build trust between you and your customers, which makes it easier for them to sign up for things like email newsletters or subscribe on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter (where they’ll also see updates about new products/services).

To start writing great content:

  • Know who your target audience is–and write for them! If there are multiple types of people who use a certain product or service, create separate pages with different topics so that each one speaks directly to those users’ needs without being too confusing or overwhelming in length (i.e., don’t give someone looking specifically for recommendations on how much weight lifting equipment costs an overview of all the different types).
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Use keywords and phrases in your title and description

  • Use keywords and phrases that are relevant to your site

For example, if you’re writing an article about how to fix a broken toe, use the words “broken toe” in the title of your article and description. This will help search engines know what the page is about and where it should be placed in their index. If people search for “how do I fix a broken toe?” chances are good that they’ll click on your result over someone else’s because it matches their query more closely than others’.

  • Use keywords and phrases throughout the content

When writing content for SEO purposes, don’t get too hung up on making sure every word has been optimized–your readers will thank you later! Just try not to go overboard; using too many keyword-heavy sentences can make them seem unnatural or forced (and therefore less credible).

Optimize the title, meta description, and keywords.

Optimize the title, meta description, and keywords.

The first step in doing good SEO is to optimize the title of your page. The title should contain your keyword phrase at least once (but not more than three times). When writing this section of your website, make sure that you use a keyword phrase that’s specific enough so people searching for it can find what they’re looking for on your site. Don’t overdo it by using the same keyword phrase over and over again or picking one that’s too general–that way there won’t be any surprises when Google checks up on you later!

Create compelling headlines.

The first step to creating good SEO is to create a compelling headline. A great headline will attract readers and make them want to click on your article.

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For example, if you were writing an article about how dogs are man’s best friend, a good headline might be “Is Your Dog Really Your Best Friend?” This question will get people interested because there are many people who don’t think so but would like for their dog to be considered as such!

It’s important that headlines be short (usually less than 70 characters) and snappy but also specific enough so that the reader knows what they’ll find when they click through. You should also aim for uniqueness–no one wants their content stolen by someone else!

Add alt tags to images.

ALT tags are used to describe images. They’re also used by screen readers to describe images to blind people, but you can use them for other purposes as well.

ALT tags should be descriptive and accurate, not just “image of dog” or “dog with a bone.” If you want your page to show up in search results for [dog], then make sure that’s what the ALT text says! It should also reflect what’s on the page itself: if there’s text on your site that talks about dogs or bones, then don’t just put those words into your alt tag. You want both users and search engines to understand what they’re seeing when they look at an image (and vice versa).

Create an XML site map

A site map is a list of all the pages on your website, in order to help search engines understand the structure of your site. This can be done in XML format, which is an easy-to-read language used by computers to communicate with each other. You should submit your XML site map to search engines such as Google as well as any directories where you’re submitting yourself (like Yahoo! or Bing).

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Provide social media buttons on your site to increase traffic from social media sites.

  • Add social media buttons to your site. If a visitor likes what they see on your site, they can easily share it with their friends and followers on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. You’ll need to provide these buttons in order for this practice to be effective, so make sure that you include them somewhere on the page where people can see them easily.
  • Use appropriate images for each of the different types of social media platforms where sharing is possible: Facebook (profile picture), Twitter (@username), Google+ (+name), Pinterest (pinned image) etc., as well as an icon that represents your brand’s logo or identity when applicable; this helps users quickly identify which button corresponds with each service without having to click through multiple pages first before finding out what they’re looking at!

Do these things and you’ll be on the fast track to increasing traffic

  • Use the right keywords in your content
  • Use keywords in your title and description
  • Create compelling headlines
  • Add alt tags to images (alt tags are an alternative text description of an image)


If you follow these steps, you will be able to do good SEO for your site. You’ll see an increase in traffic and your site will rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing!