How is SEO ranking calculated?

SEO ranking

How is SEO ranking calculated? The goal of any search engine is to provide users with the most relevant results. To do that, they rely on an algorithm called the PageRank algorithm. The name comes from Google co-founder Larry Page, who developed it in 1996 while he was still at Stanford University. Since then, this algorithm has helped Google become one of the most popular websites in the world…and it’s also how we determine which websites rank higher than others in search results!

SEO ranking is determined by a complex algorithm.

SEO is a complex process, and the ranking of your website depends on many factors. The algorithm that Google uses to determine this ranking is constantly changing as they find ways to improve their search engine results. In addition to this, there are several other websites that use similar algorithms and have their own methods for calculating rankings.

Google has published many resources on its developer site explaining how webmasters can optimize their sites’ SEO so that it will rank higher in the SERPs (search engine result pages). If you want more information about how SEO works or how you can optimize your website’s ranking with proper SEO techniques, check out these resources:

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The SEO ranking algorithm started as human-driven but has since evolved into machine learning.

The initial version of the algorithm was developed by a team of engineers in the early 2000s. This initial version was used to rank websites for human consumption, with an emphasis on factors such as the number of links to a website and its age.

What does the SEO rank mean for your website?

The ranking is not a measure of quality, and it’s not the same as traffic or sales. If you rank at #1 for your keyword, that doesn’t mean you’re going to get more traffic than someone who ranks at #2 or #3.

The ranking is also not an indication of profit–you could be making thousands of dollars per month but still be buried in search results because other sites have higher authority and/or more links pointing toward them.

Just because you’re number 1 for a keyword doesn’t mean people are going to click on your website’s link.

Just because you’re number 1 for a keyword doesn’t mean people are going to click on your website’s link. You need to have a compelling landing page, good ad campaigns, and a good call-to-action (CTA). You can’t just focus on SEO. You have to build an excellent website in order for it all to work out!

Google has a lot of resources available for those who want to learn more about SEO and the ranking algorithm.

Google has a lot of resources available for those who want to learn more about SEO and the ranking algorithm.

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If you’re interested in learning more about Google’s ranking algorithm, including how it works, what factors are important, and how they affect your site’s rankings, check out this guide from Moz.

Understanding how this complicated process works can help you improve your own website’s search engine optimization.

Google has been working on improving the algorithm for more than 20 years, and it’s a complex process that involves many different factors. There are multiple people involved in the ranking process, including engineers, researchers, product managers and more.

The best way to improve your website’s SEO is by following Google’s guidelines:

  • Make sure you’ve got lots of high-quality content on your site (this includes images).
  • Use keywords naturally in URLs or titles so they’re easy for people to find when they search online using Google or another search engine like Bing or Yahoo!


Google has a lot of resources available for those who want to learn more about SEO and the ranking algorithm. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, check out our blog post on how to optimize your website for Google search results.