How to find easy to rank keywords

How to find easy to rank keywords

Here’s a breakdown on how to find easy-to-rank keywords for your SEO strategy:

1. Keyword Research Tools:

  • Keyword Database Search: These tools have massive databases of keywords. Enter a seed keyword (a general term related to your niche) and explore variations, long-tail keywords (more specific phrases), and related searches. Popular options include Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool and Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer.

Keyword Database Search tools are a powerful starting point for finding easy-to-rank keywords.

Here’s a deeper dive into how to use them effectively:

  • Seed Keyword Selection: Choose a seed keyword that accurately reflects your niche but isn’t too broad. For example, instead of “clothing,” a better seed keyword for a sports apparel store might be “athletic leggings for women.”

  • Keyword Variations & Long-Tail Exploration: Once you have your seed keyword, the tool will generate variations like synonyms or related terms (e.g., “best athletic leggings,” “high-waisted athletic leggings”). It will also identify long-tail keywords which are more specific user queries (e.g., “affordable high-waisted athletic leggings with pockets”).

  • Metrics Analysis: Pay attention to metrics provided by the tool, such as search volume (how many people search for that keyword) and keyword difficulty (how hard it is to rank for that keyword). Ideally, you want keywords with a good search volume but a lower difficulty score.

  • Combine with Other Techniques: Don’t rely solely on the database’s suggestions. Consider user intent and what kind of content you can create to target those keywords. Look at competitor analysis tools to see what keywords your competitors rank for and identify potential gaps.

Here are some additional Keyword Database Search tools to consider:

  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Google Keyword Planner (free, but limited functionality compared to paid options)
  • KWFinder
  • SerpLogic

By strategically using Keyword Database Search tools and combining them with other SEO techniques, you can discover a goldmine of easy-to-rank keywords that will help your website attract organic traffic.

2. Analyze Search Volume and Competition:

  • Look for keywords with a decent search volume (enough people searching for them) but with low competition (easier to rank for). Keyword research tools will provide estimates for both.

Search volume and competition are two crucial factors to consider when finding easy-to-rank keywords. Here’s a breakdown of how to analyze them effectively:

Search Volume:

  • Finding the Sweet Spot: Ideally, you want keywords with a decent search volume, but not necessarily the absolute highest. Super high-volume keywords often have fierce competition, making it difficult for new websites to rank.
  • Understanding Search Volume Metrics: Keyword research tools provide estimates for search volume, often displayed as a monthly average range (e.g., 1000-2000 searches per month). This gives you a general idea of how popular a keyword is.
  • Consider Long-Tail Keywords: While long-tail keywords might have lower individual search volume, they typically have lower competition as well. They can be highly valuable because they target users with a very specific intent, making them more likely to convert.
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  • Keyword Difficulty Scores: Most keyword research tools offer a “keyword difficulty” score or a similar metric. This score indicates how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword on a search engine results page (SERP).
  • Interpreting Difficulty Scores: The exact scale will vary depending on the tool, but generally, a lower score suggests lower competition and a higher chance of ranking well.
  • Look Beyond the Score: Don’t rely solely on the difficulty score. Analyze the websites currently ranking for your target keyword. Are they high-authority sites in your niche? If so, it might be challenging to compete, even with a seemingly low difficulty score.

Finding the Balance:

The key is to find a balance between search volume and competition. Here are some strategies:

  • Start with Medium-Volume Keywords: Target keywords with a decent search volume (e.g., 500-1000 searches per month) and a moderate competition level. This can be a good starting point for new websites to build traction.
  • Target Long-Tail Keywords with Intent: Look for long-tail keywords that have lower search volume but with clear user intent behind them. This way, you can attract users who are actively looking for what you offer.
  • Consider Seasonal Trends: Some keywords have seasonal fluctuations in search volume. Use Google Trends to understand these patterns and target keywords that are currently trending upwards.

By carefully analyzing search volume and competition, you can identify a pool of keywords that are both achievable to rank for and have the potential to drive valuable traffic to your website.

3. Identify Long-Tail Keywords:

  • Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases with lower search volume but also tend to have lower competition. They can be highly valuable because they target users with a clearer intent.

Long-tail keywords are like hidden gems in SEO. Here’s why they’re so valuable:

  • Lower Competition: Since they’re more specific, they tend to have less competition compared to broad, head keywords. This makes it easier for your website to rank for them, especially if you’re new.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: People using long-tail keywords are typically further along in the buying journey. Their search queries are more specific, indicating a clearer intent to purchase, download, or learn more about something. This can lead to a higher conversion rate for your website.
  • Improved User Experience: Content targeting long-tail keywords can be laser-focused on a specific user need. This creates a better user experience as visitors find exactly what they’re looking for quickly.

Here are some effective ways to identify long-tail keywords:

  • Seed Keyword Expansion: Start with a broad keyword related to your niche and brainstorm variations and long-tail versions. For example, if your seed keyword is “guitars,” long-tail variations could be “best beginner acoustic guitars under $500” or “where to learn blues guitar online.”

  • Keyword Research Tool Features: Most keyword research tools have features specifically designed to generate long-tail keywords. Look for options like “keyword suggestions” or “long-tail keyword tool.”

  • Search Engine Autocomplete: Start typing your seed keyword into a search engine and see what suggestions pop up in the autocomplete bar. These are real user queries that can be a goldmine for long-tail keywords.

  • The “People Also Ask” Section: When you perform a search on Google, you’ll often see a section titled “People Also Ask” with related questions. These are excellent long-tail keyword ideas as they represent genuine user queries.

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By incorporating long-tail keywords into your SEO strategy, you can attract qualified traffic, improve user experience, and ultimately drive conversions on your website.

4. Leverage Competitor Analysis:

  • Use SEO tools like Semrush’s Keyword Gap tool to see what keywords your competitors rank for but you don’t. This can unearth valuable opportunities.

Competitor analysis is a powerful strategy for uncovering easy-to-rank keywords. Here’s how SEO tools like Semrush’s Keyword Gap tool can help:

  • Identifying Missed Opportunities: By comparing your website’s keywords to those of your competitors, you can see what keywords they rank for that you don’t. These can be potential goldmines, especially if the keywords have decent search volume and lower competition.

  • Understanding Competitor Strategies: Analyzing your competitors’ keywords can give you insights into their SEO strategy and the terms they’re targeting. This knowledge can help you refine your own keyword strategy and identify any gaps you might have.

  • Finding Lower-Competition Keywords: Your competitors might be ranking for some keywords that are still relatively easy to rank for. By using the Keyword Gap tool’s filters, you can focus on keywords with lower competition scores within your competitor’s keyword profile. For example keyword iPhone 14 is a very difficult to rank keyword.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to using Semrush’s Keyword Gap tool for easy-to-rank keyword research:

  1. Enter Your Domain and Competitors: In the Keyword Gap tool, enter your website’s domain and up to five competitor domains.

  2. Choose Keyword Type: Select “Organic Keywords” to analyze keywords your competitors rank for organically in search results.

  3. Set Filters: Use the filters to refine your search. You can focus on keywords with a specific search volume range, competition level, and even filter by keyword difficulty score.

  4. Analyze the “Missing Keywords” Tab: This tab displays keywords your competitors rank for but you don’t. Look for keywords with a good search volume and a low to moderate competition score.

Beyond Semrush: While Semrush is a popular option, there are other competitor analysis tools available, such as:

  • Ahrefs
  • Moz Pro
  • SERPChecker

Remember, competitor analysis should be used alongside your own keyword research strategy. Don’t simply copy your competitors – look for opportunities that align with your niche and target audience.

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By leveraging competitor analysis tools, you can discover a wealth of easy-to-rank keywords that can give your website a competitive edge in search engine results.

5. Consider Topical Authority:

  • Google favors established websites with expertise in a particular niche. If you’re new, target keywords related to your core area of focus to build topical authority gradually.

Topical authority is a crucial concept in SEO, especially for new websites. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and how to build it effectively:

What is Topical Authority?

Think of topical authority as Google’s way of recognizing your website as a trusted source of information on a specific topic. When you consistently create high-quality, informative content around a particular niche, Google sees you as an expert in that field. This can significantly improve your website’s ranking potential for relevant keywords.

Challenges for New Websites:

New websites naturally have lower topical authority compared to established websites in the niche. This can make it difficult to rank for highly competitive keywords right away.

Building Topical Authority as a New Website:

  • Focus on Your Niche: Instead of spreading yourself thin, concentrate on creating high-quality content strictly related to your core niche. This focused approach helps establish your expertise in that specific area.
  • Content Clusters: Develop content clusters around main topics within your niche. A cluster typically includes a pillar page (in-depth guide on the main topic) surrounded by subtopic pages (exploring related subcategories). This structure demonstrates comprehensiveness and topical depth.
  • Internal Linking: Strategically link your content together. Link from subtopic pages to the relevant pillar page and vice versa. This creates a web of information that showcases your website’s knowledge on the topic.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that provides value to your target audience. Google prioritizes content that is well-researched, engaging, and addresses user needs.

Remember: Building topical authority takes time and consistent effort. By following these steps and creating valuable content, you’ll gradually establish your website as a trusted authority in your chosen niche, making it easier to rank for relevant keywords in the long run.

Additional Tips:

  • Search Console Insights: If you have a website with Google Search Console set up, you can see keywords people already use to find your site. Look for keywords with impressions (number of times your site appeared in search results) but low clicks (low competition).

  • Answer the User’s Intent: Focus on keywords that answer a specific question or address a user’s need. This will help attract qualified traffic.

By following these steps, you can identify keywords that are easier to rank for and that will still drive valuable traffic to your website. Remember, SEO is a long-term game, so focus on creating high-quality content that targets your chosen keywords.