How many ranking factors does Google use?

How many ranking factors does Google use

The answer to this question depends on whether we’re talking about a desktop, mobile, or voice search. The answer is all three!

Google is a big company, with many different teams working on different projects. So it’s not surprising that the number of ranking factors they use depends on the vertical—or even the page type. In this article, we’ll explore how many ranking factors there are in total and what these factors mean for you as a marketer or SEO.

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to determine the best answers to a user’s query.

Seven of the top ten ranking factors are on-page.

  • On-page factors include content, links, and user experience.
  • Google uses many on-page factors as they relate to content, links, and user experience.

Google doesn’t disclose the specific keywords and signals it uses to determine the best answers to a query.

Google doesn’t disclose the specific keywords and signals it uses to determine the best answers to a query.

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Google is secretive about its algorithms, but we know they use many factors when ranking sites, including many on-page factors.

For example, Google has said that they look at things like:

Keyword difficulty is one ranking factor that has been disclosed by Google.

Keyword difficulty is one ranking factor that has been disclosed by Google. It’s based on how hard it is to rank for a keyword, and it can be used in local search results, mobile search results, and voice search results.

Google also uses many on-page factors as they relate to content, links, and user experience.

Google also uses many on-page factors as they relate to content, links, and user experience. Google is looking for the best answers to a user’s query. It wants to provide the most relevant results for users’ queries so that they can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Google also wants you to think about how your website ranks in relation to other sites in your industry or niche market when it comes down to search rankings. If there’s another site that offers better content, more relevant links, or an overall better experience than yours–then chances are good that their site will outrank yours in terms of organic search visibility!

The answer to this question depends on whether we’re talking about a desktop, mobile, or voice search. The answer is all three! Our SEO Services provide High-Quality strategies for your website company.

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors for desktop searches. It also uses more than 200 ranking factors for mobile searches and even more than that for voice searches (because many of those signals aren’t available in text).

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Google uses many factors when ranking sites, including many on-page factors, but unlike in the past, mobile devices have now become an important part of its ranking algorithm.

Google uses many factors when ranking sites, including many on-page factors, but unlike in the past, mobile devices have now become an important part of its ranking algorithm.

Google’s search engine algorithm is a complicated piece of software that determines what appears at the top of your SERPs (search engine results pages). The algorithm uses over 200 signals to determine how to rank websites and where they appear on those SERPs. This means that if you want to rank higher than your competitors in Google’s organic search listings then you need to focus heavily on these factors.

What’s the difference between a ranking factor and a ranking signal?

A ranking factor is a thing that Google has to consider in order to determine the relevance of a page. A ranking signal is the measurable aspect of your site that Google can use to evaluate its quality. A High trusted SEO Agency Company will provide you with advanced support monthly.

In other words, ranking factors are things like content length and keyword usage on your site; they’re what Google looks at when deciding whether or not your page will rank well. Ranking signals are more measurable aspects of your website–things like bounce rate, time on site, and social shares (or lack thereof).

Does content quality matter more than user experience or page speed?

Google has confirmed that content quality is a ranking factor and user experience is a ranking signal. However, they have not disclosed how much weight each of these factors has in their algorithm.

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The answer to this question depends on your vertical; if you’re selling shoes online then search results with higher-quality content will probably convert better than those with lower-quality content because people are looking for shoes and want to find what they need quickly!

How long do Google algorithm updates take to roll out?

Google updates are not instantaneous. They’re rolled out gradually over time, which means that you can’t simply wait for an update to be finished before you move on with your life and start worrying about other things. The time it takes for an update to fully roll out depends on the size of the update and how many sites are impacted by it. For example, if Google makes a small change that affects only a few sites, then they might be able to finish rolling out this update within hours or days–but if they make a major change (like Panda 4), then it could take months or even years!

There are over 200 ranking factors in all, but some of them only matter for certain verticals.

There are over 200 ranking factors in all, but some of them only matter for certain verticals.

For example, if you’re a local business that wants to rank well in Google Maps (and therefore get more customers), then having a lot of reviews is going to be extremely important. But if you’re just running an e-commerce store selling t-shirts online, reviews probably won’t have much influence on your ability to rank well in search engines.


Google uses many factors when ranking sites, including many on-page factors, but unlike in the past, mobile devices have now become an important part of its ranking algorithm.