Are technical SEO and on-page SEO the same thing?

Are technical SEO and on-page SEO the same thing

Are technical SEO and on-page SEO the same thing? Technical SEO and on-page SEO are two different things. They’re both important to Google’s ranking algorithm, but they serve different purposes. In this post, we’ll look at what each is and how they work together to help your website rank higher in search engines.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website to make it faster, more secure, and more accessible. But technical SEO isn’t just about the code of your website–it’s also about understanding how Google’s algorithms work so that you can optimize for them. It s a very important process for our SEO Services.

For example: if you have a slow-loading site and don’t take steps to improve its performance (like by adding AMP or other ways to speed up load times), then Google will penalize you for having a slow-loading page in its search results. This means that users are less likely to click on links from sites with slow load times because they don’t want their own experience disrupted as well! And if users stop clicking through from one page onto another within 10 seconds of arriving on either page… well then neither site looks very good!

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What are examples of technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engines. This can be done by making changes to your site’s code, content, and structure. There are many different areas of technical SEO that you can focus on, including:

  • Crawl budget, crawl rate, and crawl errors
  • Site speed (including page speed)

What is on-page optimization?

On-page optimization is the process of optimizing your content for search engines. This can include things like adding headers, using keywords in title tags and descriptions and making sure that your site’s internal linking structure makes sense.

On-page optimization is done on the web page itself — not through any technology like robots.txt or meta tags (although those tools can be used). On-page optimization is a critical component of SEO; it ensures that you’re telling Google what kind of content lives on each page so it knows how best to rank it when someone searches for something relevant to that page’s content.

On-page optimization isn’t the same thing as technical SEO: It helps ensure that users will find what they’re looking for when they come across one of your pages in SERPs; technical SEO ensures those same users can actually reach those pages without error messages or other roadblocks along the way. Our Digital Marketing Agency can provide the most High-Level Local SEO Services for your business.

Where is on-page optimization best for my content?

On-page optimization is best for content that is already popular and has a strong domain authority. It’s also useful if you want to rank for a long time, or if your content will be shared across multiple platforms (such as social media).

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On-page optimization isn’t as effective with brand-new pages, because they don’t have much of an audience yet. However, these types of pages can benefit from off-site SEO tactics like link building.

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How does on-page optimization help with Google rankings?

On-page optimization is about the content of your website. It’s about the structure of your website and how it’s organized, as well as what you have to say on each page.

On-page optimization is also about keywords in content–and whether those keywords are relevant to what users are searching for, or if they’re just there because someone thought it would be cool to include them (and then got penalized by Google). If you want to target for example Oval hole plugs for tubes, you have to optimize the page accordingly.

How does technical SEO help with Google Rankings?

  • Technical SEO is a subset of on-page optimization.
  • Technical SEO helps with Google rankings by making sure your site is built in a way that search engines can understand.
  • Technical SEO also helps with Google rankings by making sure your site is built in a way that users can understand, which makes them more likely to visit and stay on your site longer (and hopefully buy from you).

On-page and technical SEO have lots in common, but they’re not the same thing.

On-page and technical SEO have a lot in common, but they’re not the same thing.

On-page SEO is about making your content more user-friendly. Technical SEO is about making the site itself more user-friendly, which includes things like speed, security, and mobile friendliness.

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On-page SEO has to do with how you write for search engines (and now also social media), while technical SEO has to do with how you structure your site so that it works well for both humans and search engines/social media bots alike.


There are lots of similarities between on-page SEO and technical SEO. However, they’re not exactly the same thing. You can think of them as two pieces of the same puzzle–one focuses on the content itself while the other focuses on how that content is displayed on websites and in search results. Both are important for getting your site ranked well by Google and other search engines, so if you want to optimize your web pages then start with these two strategies today!