Do exact match domains still work in SEO?

Do exact match domains still work in SEO

Do exact match domains still work in SEO? I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “exact match domains” before. They’re those keywords in a URL that exactly match the keyword of the page they point to. For example, if I am trying to rank for “dog food,” then my domain name would be something like or The phrase has been tossed around since 2012, when Google made a change in their algorithm which caused some websites with exact match domains (EMDs) to lose rankings or plummet down search engine results pages (SERPs).

Do Exact Match Domains Still Work in SEO?

So, what’s the verdict? Are exact match domains still a viable option for SEO-focused marketers?

In my opinion, there are two main reasons why you should avoid purchasing an exact match domain:

  • It’s an exercise in vanity and ego. If your goal is to build a site that generates organic traffic, then buying an exact match domain will only add to your costs without providing any additional value (unless you’re planning on using it as part of a paid advertising campaign). And while we all like being told how great we are by our friends, family members, and colleagues–and even strangers–you should keep in mind that no one else cares about this stuff as much as you do! Besides which…
  • ..if you own a brand name and want to build a site for that brand (like I did), then it makes sense that you would want that domain name anyway; so why pay extra money when there are many other options available?
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The use of exact match domains has been on the decline since early 2012 and they have not regained popularity since.

The use of exact match domains has been on the decline since early 2012 and they have not regained popularity since. In fact, there is a strong argument that exact match domains are not necessary for ranking well in search engines at all.

Exact Match Domains are More Expensive Than Other Domains

When you buy an exact match domain name, you’re paying more than for other types of names because it’s easier for people to find you when they type in your exact keyword phrase into a browser or search engine. But this is only true if someone actually knows what your site is about–and most people don’t know! So while everyone else has to pay $10-$20 per year for hosting and maintenance on their new website (or maybe even less), we’re going spend $50-$100 per year just getting our site indexed by Google? And then another few hundred dollars every year after that if we want any kind of traffic? That makes no sense!

The practice of purchasing exact-match domains is an exercise in vanity and ego.

The practice of purchasing exact-match domains is an exercise in vanity and ego. You can’t buy your way to the top of Google, and it’s not worth it to spend money on an exact match domain if you’re not going to get any traffic from it. If you want a domain name that will help improve your SEO, there are better options available for much less money than what an EMD would cost you.

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If you own a brand name and want to build a site for that brand, then it makes sense that you would want that domain name.

If you own a brand name and want to build a site for that brand, then it makes sense that you would want that domain name.

If you are an entrepreneur and a small business owner, there’s no need to purchase an exact match domain for your website.

But if you’re an entrepreneur and a small business owner, there’s no need to purchase an exact match domain for your website. This isn’t necessary for ranking purposes; instead, it will simply increase the cost of doing business via SEO.

If you’re an entrepreneur and small business owner, there’s no need to purchase an exact match domain for your website. This isn’t necessary for ranking purposes; instead, it will simply increase the cost of doing business via SEO.

Instead of spending big bucks on buying an exact match domain (and getting penalized by Google), focus on building up your content strategy and ensuring that visitors enjoy their time on your site. You’ll get better results at lower costs this way! Our SEO Services will find the best opportunities for your Company and will grow your website organically.

What Types of Businesses Might Benefit From Using an Exact Match Domain Name?

Exact match domains are a great way to build a brand, especially if you’re trying to establish trust with customers. They can also be used for making a statement or getting found by your customers.

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  • A software company that wants its name to be synonymous with the industry it serves might want an exact match domain like [software-company].com or [software-company].net. This helps them establish themselves as an authority on their topic, which in turn builds credibility and trust among potential customers who are looking for guidance in this area.
  • If your company is new and doesn’t have much of a reputation yet, using an exact match domain can help give yourself some street cred–and make sure no one else uses “your name” before you do!

An exact match domain can be helpful if you are trying to build out a brand identity or establish trust with customers.

If you have a brand name, then it makes sense to use that domain name. If you are trying to build out a brand identity or establish trust with customers, then it makes sense to use that domain name.

If the goal is to rank for a keyword, then no–you should not use an exact match domain if it doesn’t fit into your branding strategy.


If you own a brand name and want to build a site for that brand, then it makes sense that you would want that domain name. But if you’re an entrepreneur and a small business owner, there’s no need to purchase an exact match domain for your website. This isn’t necessary for ranking purposes; instead, it will simply increase the cost of doing business via SEO.